Sunday, March 22, 2009

On Top of Spaghetti...

Sooo sweet! Jackson went to town on spaghetti the other night. I made that comment in front of Georgia, and she said, "I go to town on that too." It is amazing what they come up with. Jackson is definitely a messy one. We ate at Pei Wei (cheaper version of PF Chang's) the other night, and I literally scooped up 2 platefuls of rice off of the floor. The busboy came over and told me that I didn't need to clean it up - so kind. I think he probably just wanted us out of there as quickly as possible. But when you look at him, how can you not love that face?!?


Ali said...

Apparently Jackson stole my dad's heart in the nursery yesterday. My dad worked Meadowlands, and Morgan said that Jackson was an absolute doll baby. No surprise there!

Jess said...

hahaha I love Georgia's comment :). I think I go to town on spaghetti too :).