Friday, November 5, 2010

You know that you are a parent of kids under 5 when...

1. You find yourself always speaking in the 3rd person, even when you aren't around your kids..."Mommy - er, Molly needs to go potty, be right back, ok?"
2. You guessed it - you now refer to going to the bathroom as the potty.  "ma ma, da da, pee pee, poo poo, and boo boo" are all part of your vocabulary now.  What's up with all the doubles?
3. Speaking of the potty, it has been quite some time now since you have been alone in the bathroom.
4. You lose your kid in Kohl's because he thinks that it is fun to hide in the clothes racks, but he doesn't know to answer when you call for him.  You leave the 3rd kid strapped in the double stroller which you managed to snag there (can I just say for the record that if you don't have any kids in Kohl's with you, PLEASE, I beg of you, don't take the double stroller cart.  You don't need it.)Where was I?  Oh yes, leave kid #3 in the cart and chase around madly throwing clothes up in the air looking for your two year old who things that this is the greatest game ever.  You finally find him, and thread your way through racks of clothes back to the stroller by following the screams of your youngest who is peeved that you have left her there alone.
5. The word "ineegopee" makes you jump out of your seat, scoop up your child, and make a mad dash to the closest potty (there's that word again).
6. It is physically impossible to get anywhere with all children before 9 o'clock.
7. You smell something a little funny while you are showering, and look down to see that your littlest one has pooped in the shower.  You are all wet, so you don't want to get out.  You carefully consider if the turd is small enough to shove down the drain using the heel of your foot.  Decide against that.  Too risky.  If it gets stuck, then what?  You pick up the log with your bare hands, gracefully fling open the shower door, and lob it across the bathroom to the awaiting toilet (which is open, by the grace of God).  You swish the remnants down the drain with your foot and continue your shower.  This is a proud moment for you.

Have you been there?!?


Deni said...

Yes - oh my word, the one about going to the bathroom alone - totally me. There is no hope, even if I close the door Parker just sits there kicking it until I am done.

I lost Parker in Kohl's recently too...i was in a panic when I couldn't find him...he was at the toys...figures.

Or how about the time Parker painted on the wall with poop - yah, that was the best fun ever - not!

kristin said...

i hear you! i always said "i'm going to teach my kid that it's "bathroom" not, "potty"" - what a joke.
i'm totally fine not having my privacy going to the bathroom, and don't even shut the door... never thought that i'd think it is weird TO shut the door at our house when we have visitors!
is jackson pretty much potty trained? i'm totally not into it this time with coop and i'm being totally lame. you doing any methods? (give me your wisdom!)

Molly said...

Brian totally took on the potty training with Jack this summer. I thought we should wait until next summer when he was three, but Brian was wanting to give it a try, and Jack picked it up pretty well. I have no wisdom to offer! Although, Jack does stand on the edge of the pot, lean over, holding on to the tank to pee...creative, but it works! He does pretty well, but I really need to remember to ask him, otherwise we have accidents. :)

Lisa said...

This is so my life :)