we loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us...welcome to my life.
EmJ is following in line with her sister in that they look identical as they are waking up. As a baby, Georgia would always stretch and purse her lips as she was waking up. Here is baby EmJ as she arises from slumber.
Dead asleep
Why can't you leave me alone?
Yawn.....and stretch
Purse purse purse (this is what Brian and I always say as she purses her lips - our favorite part)
1. I am married to Brian, the only person I never get tired of (sorry if I offended any of you out there!)
2. I have 3 kiddos - Georgia (7/2/06), Jackson (5/17/08), and Emory June (11/24/09).
3. I am a bookworm.
4. I still like to jump on the trampoline.
5. I love a good s'more.
6. I am sometimes not very transparent.
7. I secretly love strategy games - even more I love to win them.
8. I would do almost anything for a HOT blueberry cake doughnut from Krispy Kreme.
9. I have never broken any bones.
10. *NEW* My favorite must-have kitchen tool is my kitchen scissors. The best.