We are so blessed to welcome Emory June Coffey into the world on November 24th, 2009 at 11:26pm. She weighed 8 lbs 0 oz, and was 19.4 inches long! I felt my first contractions on Monday evening, and felt them throughout the night. Brian stayed home from work on Tuesday because I was still having contractions pretty regularly. We got out and about a bit in the morning, trying to stay active and keep labor moving along. Brian said that when I was having a contraction at the mall, some women looked at me like they knew exactly what was going on - I didn't really care what anyone thought, just was focused on breathing through it. :) When we got home, the kids took a great nap (thank you, Jesus!) and I tried to lay down too. That was good for me to get some rest before things got really intense. I went for a walk when I got up. I got home and the kids were up and we were all going to talk a walk together to drop the kids off at Nana and Poppy's. I was having a lot of contractions, so Brian walked the kids down and I went around the block. Every 15-20 steps I would feel a contraction and lean against a tree to breathe through it. One of our neighbors was out doing her Christmas decorations and I just walked up to a tree in her yard and leaned against it to breathe, and then kept walking afterward. I am sure it was a bit interesting to her, but I was not really in a place to explain. By the next contraction I heard Brian running down the hill and he was behind me rubbing my back and talking me through it. We headed back home to labor there more. My contractions were 6-8 minutes apart, but pretty intense 90 sec - 2 mins long.
Ok, Em J has to eat, more to come soon.